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Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry Cary, NC


Some patients experience anxiety with upcoming dental procedures. Others have a fear of an upcoming appointment and would rather push off the needed treatment than have the work done. Routine visits to the dentist’s office or treatment for a dental emergency are harder for some patients than others. Sedation dentistry can reduce a patient’s anxiety and allow them to have needed dental work done to maintain their best overall dental health. Sedation dentistry Cary incorporates medication prior to the dental procedures and helps relax the patient. Sedation medications allow the patient to choose from minimal, moderate or deeper sedation levels depending on the agreed upon desired state for the dental appointment. With these levels of sedation, the patient is awake but relaxed in order to experience a stress-free procedure.

Sedation Dentistry Cary NC

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Sedation Dentistry can Help

Applications for the use of sedation dentistry include dental anxiety, gag reflex during dental work, low threshold for pain, inability to sit still during procedures and a complex and sizable amount of dental work to be done.

The three most common types of sedation used for dental appointments are inhaled nitrous oxide, pills taken orally and IV administered sedation. Our dentist can discuss these options and their use in conjunction with the needed dental work to be done. Some of the options will necessitate having an assigned driver to take you home after sedation and the performed dental exams.

Regular dental visits for cleaning and x-rays are important to help keep your teeth cavity and trouble free. Don’t let dental anxiety or stress stop you from having needed dental care performed when needed. Sedation dentistry may be the answer to make your next dental visit a stress-free and relaxing experience. Give us a call today to see what may be right for you.

Stress-Free Dental Visits

Regular dental visits for cleaning and x-rays are important to help keep your teeth cavity and trouble free. Don’t let dental anxiety or stress stop you from having needed dental care performed when needed. Sedation dentistry may be the answer to make your next dental visit a stress-free and relaxing experience. Give us a call today to see what may be right for you.

Schedule your sedation dentistry appointment Now

At Zen Triangle Dentistry our trained staff and dentist can help you choose the right cosmetic options to help you find your smile.