Getting in to see your dentist once every six months is an easy habit to get into. Usually these visits will be of nearly no cost to you if you have dental insurance. And the benefit far outweighs any cost. If it’s been awhile since your last dental exam or check-up, we understand. We can help you get back on track getting regular cleanings, and taking X-rays to see where you are now.
Teeth cleanings are a quick and easy way to feel better about your smile. Regular teeth cleanings prevent plaque build-up, tooth decay, cavities, and a whole host of other problems! While cleaning your teeth, a skilled dental hygienist will examine each individual tooth for disease or damage. The hygienist will also check your gums for any disease. Dental x-rays may be taken with this scheduled dental exam. After the exam and cleaning, your teeth will be flossed. Finally, your teeth will be polished and fluoride treatments may be given to keep your teeth protected.
Regular teeth cleanings and dental exams are the strongest predictor of excellent oral health. If you care about your health, regular dental check-ups are vital. Teeth cleanings and dental exams just twice a year go a long way to preventing gum disease and cavities. Make sure that you schedule your dental exam soon to get you on the road to excellent oral health.